My face relaxes

4 min read

Sagging skin is due to a loss of its mechanical qualities: firmness, made possible by collagen fibers and elasticity, made possible by elastin fibers. In addition, a slippage of the skin and superficial fat by loss of deep support leads to an accumulation of the skin down the face.

What are the mechanisms of sagging skin?

Young skin has two essential properties, allowing it to fight against the effects of gravity: it is firm and it is elastic.

She thus draws harmonious contours to the oval of the face , with correctly positioned volumes. The features are young and assertive.

When the fibroblasts of the dermis begin to age, the quantitative and qualitative production of collagen and elastin is altered: the skin, less firm and less elastic, is subjected to the effects of gravity. It is even more marked if there are fatty deposits which aggravate this effect of gravity.

The skin will gradually stretch, without being able to retract: the tissues relax, the volumes fall, the oval of the face takes on an inverted V shape…

These signs of aging are obvious and often irrevocable.

What areas of the face are affected?

All areas of the face or body can suffer from sagging skin, but the signs are most precocious where the skin is most fragile, and where the effect of gravity is greatest.

For the face, the attack mainly affects the cheekbones and jowls, altering the oval of the face which sags in the shape of an inverted V. The existence of a double chin will aggravate the symptoms, pulling the volumes down.

The look is also frequently affected, with the formation of bags under the eyes and ptosis of the eyelids and the tail of the eyebrows.

Who is affected by sagging facial skin?

The first signs of sagging of the face are discreet, but can be observed from 30 to 35 years old. They are often earlier on skin weakened by tobacco or UV rays.

  • In women , the sagging of the face is accentuated around 45/50 years, by combining the effects of skin aging with the deleterious effects of menopause.
  • In men , the signs are often a little later, because androgens have a protective role on the skin, which is thicker. However, being overweight is often an aggravating factor because the fatty pads then exert greater tension on the skin.

In both cases, the BEAUXMONTS doctors do not stop at analyzing the lesions and the causes favoring the slackening of the skin.

They are also very attentive to your feelings, through the emotions you express. The therapeutic approach will indeed be personalized, depending on whether you have a tired face , a sad face or a face with blurred and poorly defined contours.

Beauxmonts solutions to find a younger face

In prevention, the use of tailor-made cosmetic treatments makes it possible to target more specifically the elasticity and firmness of the tissues.

Each curative protocol is also a personalized protocol, to meet your expectations and your needs, while offering you a natural and harmonious result.

The medical facelift uses the volumetry of the face to stretch the volumes and reposition them. It most often uses an injection of more or less volumizing hyaluronic acid, to bring back more tension.

Bringing volume to the cheekbones will thus provide a little tension to the oval of the face and even slightly reduce a nasolabial fold.

In the same way, bringing a little volume to forehead wrinkles can slightly lift a drooping eyebrow.

How to lift the face without surgery?

  • The treatment of sagging skin can also be done using medical radiofrequency waves, whose tightening effect is done in two stages.
  • An immediate effect is linked to the release of heat in the dermis: the collagen retracts, which immediately provides a slight tightening effect.

A delayed effect (one to three months) will be linked to the release of growth factors, which will activate stem cells into young fibroblasts. This inducing effect will allow the remodeling of a young dermis, which regains its qualities of curve, suppleness and firmness, offering the face a real cure of Youth.

The Beauxmonts Council

Sagging skin deeply marks a face and is part of a real vicious circle where gravity increases its effects as the tissues lose their tone.

This is why early management goes beyond the mere aesthetic interest, with a preventive approach in the service of the dynamics of the face and its expressions.

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